30 Days of Storytelling

Daily Prompts to help you write stories that sell and content that converts.

Learn how to tell stories that sell and write content that converts, and all it will cost you is just a few minutes a day.


30 Days of Storytelling

Daily Prompts to help you write stories that sell and content that converts.

Sign up now to receive daily bite-size doses of copywriting know-how every day for a month, via email.

Learn how to tell stories that sell and write content that converts, and all it will cost you is just a few minutes a day.


The Challenge of Content Creation for Online Business


As an online business owner, the sheer volume of content you're expected to churn out is unbelievable.

And even though you know it's important, you've got a million other things to do with your day besides learning to write high-converting copy.

What you need is short bite-sized lessons and examples you can implement in real time, and which will actually make a difference to your audience growth and engagement.

That’s where 30 Days of Storytelling comes in.

I'll email you daily prompts and examples, designed to be implementable in your business that same day.

Whether it's a social media post, a reel, a podcast episode, or an email, the daily prompts will spark story ideas you'll be excited to share (and your audience will enjoy reading).


Hey - I'm Chantelle!

Copywriter & Copy Coach 

I started my own business in 2018 after leaving my corporate sales career behind. I didn't know it yet, but ADHD had made working 9-5 hell and had left me anxious, depressed and burnt out.

I desperately wanted to be my own boss and make my own hours. I was sick of getting up every morning wishing the day was already over.

I was desperate to spend my one wild and precious life doing something I actually gave a shit about.

Turns out, what I actually give a shit about is helping entrepreneurs find the words to sell their big ideas.

6 years later, I spend half my time writing 6 and 7-figure launch copy for the best in the business.

And the other half running the Copy College® membership with my partner, Justin.

My approach? Breaking down big concepts into digestible, actionable steps that make writing killer copy a breeze, so you can cut through the noise and connect with your audience.

Ready to write copy that sounds like you and sells?


What You'll Learn:

Each day, you'll receive:

  • A unique storytelling prompt to spark your creativity.
  • An example story from me to show you the prompt in action.
  • Practical tips on using storytelling to attract and connect with your ideal clients. 

The benefits to your business:

  • Boost engagement and connect deeply with your audience.
  • Learn to weave storytelling into various content types, from social posts to podcasts.
  • Implement real-time lessons that are concise and impactful, fitting even the busiest schedules.

30 Days of Storytelling
Daily prompts delivered to your inbox

Learn how to tell stories that sell and write content that converts.

You'll be subscribed to my email list to get these 30 prompts - but don't worry - it's strictly a spam-free zone.